Why can't I Stream?

There are a few reasons why you may be unable to Stream. Please read the following to see if any help explain why you are unable to Stream:

⚖️ You do not have an available balance: you are only able to Stream money you have already earned. See more information on your balance in How is my available balance calculated?

⬆️ You have reached your maximum limits. See more information on limits in Setting up / editing limits

📆 You are paid in advance, which will mean you won’t be able to Stream between payday and the end of the pay period. See more information in How is my salary calculated?

⏸️ Your account has been paused or disabled. See more information in Why has my account been paused or disabled?

🏦 Your banking information is out of date or inaccurate. See more information in How do I change my banking or personal details?