How is my salary calculated?

➕ For most employees, your daily accrual rate will be calculated with the following formula:

Annual salary / 12 = Monthly Accrual

Monthly Accrual / Number of days in the month = Daily Accrual

This means that you may find the daily accrual amount may vary from month to month due to the varying number of days.

NOTE: The number of days can be represented by total days or working days in the month - this is defined by your employer. 

You can find a breakdown of your salary calculation by clicking on the ‘Earnings’ tile in Track. 

⬅️ What if I’m paid in advance?

If you are paid in advance, you will receive your salary on payday (minus any Streams) however, this salary will also include wages from shifts not yet worked for the remainder of your pay period.

This will mean that your ability to Stream will be disabled from payday until the last day of the pay period. You will then be able to Stream again on the first day of your next pay period. 

Example: John Smith can access wages between 1st July and 24th July. Because he is paid on 25th July, his access to Wagestream will be disabled from 25th July through 31st July and will resume on 1st August.

➡️ What if I’m paid in arrears?

If you are paid in arrears, you will receive your salary after the end of the current pay period. This means that if you Stream after the end of your pay period but before your payday, you may potentially access wages from:

  • Your current pay cycle or

  • Both pay periods (split depending on how much available balance you have) or
  • Only your previous pay cycle

More details of how this breakdown happens can be found in Why has my Stream been split across pay periods? or on the balance calculation page by tapping the ℹ️ icon in the Track header.